Resolve iPhone 15 Pro Overheating: Apple’s iOS 17 Update

Resolve iPhone 15 Pro Overheating: Apple's iOS 17 Update

If you’ve been grappling with overheating concerns on your recently acquired iPhone, particularly when utilizing resource-intensive apps like Uber and Instagram, the solution is here.

Apple swiftly responded to the overheating issues that cropped up following the release of the iPhone 15 Pro by rolling out iOS 17.0.3 mere weeks later. This software update not only delivers crucial security enhancements but also tackles the underlying problem responsible for your iPhone’s excessive heat generation.

The clamor online reverberated with users sharing tales of their new iPhones running unusually hot or becoming uncomfortable to handle. Apple, in response, clarified to CNET that these overheating complaints stemmed from a software glitch within iOS 17, rather than any inherent design flaw within the iPhone 15 Pro itself. They also attributed part of the issue to recent updates in third-party applications, most notably Instagram and Uber.

To install this essential update, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update, select Install Now, and dutifully follow the onscreen instructions. In addition, here are some straightforward measures to ensure your device remains comfortably cool.

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